Monday, August 13, 2012

Tuning in to our Big Question

Tuning in
L.I: WAL about our prior knowledge and our understandings.
How do landforms continuously change?

We used our co-operative strategy of the ‘Dough-nut’ with our Thinking Partner to discuss our initial priors knowledge about our Deep Understandings
What landforms are made of and our Inquiry Question “Why do landforms continuously change?”

Because of the weather and because it changes course some rocks might change
due to the rain
Leah said it really started when the continental drift started and lots of landforms started
Charlotte said the mountain was one big mountain then they parted, then the river came and then the Manawatu gorge was formed
Farmers causing pollution
Ella added on to this by saying Chemicals which are bad liquids can go onto the sides and that pollution of water can develop holes and dirt goes out and birds are affected
Ella said the mountain is standing – dirt becomes in to mud –
Dani said the gorge was the Ocean sea – before the gorge was formed a long time ago.
Slip – from the gorge
Rivers were changed because of the river with falling debris of rocks, dirt

After our sharing with each other, as individuals, we drew and labelled our first thoughts about how the gorge was formed and wrote a small explanation as to why we thought what we did.


  1. You have some great ideas about how the gorge was formed. We wonder if any of them were correct? One of our theories was there was lots of rain and a big earthquake. The surface fell and a big hole was made. Underwater flow from groundwater came in and filled the big hole.

  2. Kia ora Room 3. We are still wondering about how the gorge was formed yet all our wonderings vary. We can't wait to start investigating our wonderings. Thanks for looking at our blog.
