Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Guess Who?

WALT: Use imagery

Her hair is golden like the sun, her skin is as blue as the sky in the middle of summer. Everyone knows her name, she's practically famous, well only to her family. She's one of a kind too, literally because all of the rest of her family are boys. Potion mixers, annoying jokers with exploding presents and brainy brothers that don't even understand the word cool, now she must have a boring life. Her most favourite accessory is her white hat and the daisy right next to it sitting on her head. The tiny mushroom house that she lives in is covered with colours. A good personality is what she has, if you're in a bad mood she will turn your frown upside down!


1 comment:

  1. Really cool!A tad bit long,but thats not my problem. =P

