Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ethan's character description (Guess Who I Am?)

WALT:use imagery.

_______belongs to the Galactic Republic from the cloning factories of Kamino, there they will have difficult training to become the soldier every boy deams of being. In battle the big and strong human fighting machine , muscular and loyal battles for life and death on land and up in the overwhelming space battle.
As the ____ _______ speed up above the cratered battlefield on Geonosis I wait for landing,"I am all good","I got my men and a DC-15a","the bad thing is I might Die" I said.The blast shields close ,heavily breathing,hoping not to die,"get ready"the pilot said .Asthe shields open, we all rushed outside like a bolt of lightning .So it begins.My battle for freedom has begun.

By Ethan

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