Thursday, April 26, 2012

L.I: WALA images of ANZAC - 25 April

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun and in the morningWe will remember them.

The vocabulary and phrases Room 4 came up with to describe the ANZAC image of the Poppy.

"Blood, darkness, remembrance, faithfulness of the soldiers, New Zealand, peace/rangimarie, new life, lest we forget, peace is worth fighting for, fight for peace; die with honour, enthusiasm that the soldiers didn’t give up, care, families, love and life, togetherness, red for the blood, black for the darkness, green for new life, “Big boys don’t cry but old army soldiers do” (NZ News 25th April, 2012), they gave their lives for us, never shall we forget you, lest we forget, fight for peace, enthusiasm, show faith in what you believe in, the long stick represents the aging of life, and that most people in war didn’t get to grow old like we will, hatred towards each other (fighting against each other when they need to be friends), poppy, fight for peace, crushed beneath the soldiers feet"

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