Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Religious Groups in the Time of Jesus

We have been learning about the four main Religious Groups in the Time of Jesus.


-were not a religious group but a very political group of people.
-they believed in somethings very stongly and would act on their beliefs
-were not happy about the Romans being in their land and wanted their ruling overruled by the Messiah.


-ordinary Jewush men who were devoted to the law and tried to live out every detail of it.

-there were some Pharisee s who were holy. One we know is called St Paul.


-were another powerful religious group.

-they came form rich priestly families and did not believe in life after death.

-they argued with Jesus.

-they strongly believe in the saying "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"


-Jewish men who were trained in the law and who wrote down the dtails of the law.

-The Scribes and the Pharisees were the people who opposed Jesus most when he begain to teach publicly.

-Didn't believe Jesus was the Messiah.

All of these groups believed that they were the Chosen People of God and only men were members of these groups. All of these groups were Jews and were deeply aware of the presence of God in their everyday lives and knew the Old Testament very well.

Room 4

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